New Member Registration

Join us!

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your middle name or initial.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter a valid username. No spaces, at least 3 characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z
Please enter a valid password. No spaces, at least 6 characters, and it must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special signs.
Please verify your new password.

Enter your desired Personal Website Address here that you want to become the direct link to your HCAA Profile and personal gallery. It need not be your name or username. It cannot duplicate that of another HCAA Member, of course, and should be suitable for business cards and correspondence. It can contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores to replace spaces, but it cannot contain spaces or any other punctuation. If you enter, for example, JSample, your Personal Website Address would become [NOTE: This web address must be manually created by the Webmaster, so it will not appear instantly. If you have questions or want to change it later, contact the Webmaster at]

You will be offered an opportunity to pay your dues after submitting this New Member Registration Form and confirming your email address.

Please indicate your artistic interests or focus, such as acrylics, watercolors, sculpting, etc.

Area where you create your art.

You must enter an email address so that we can communicate with you. Your email address will not be shared outside of the administration of HCAA, and it will not be visible to the public.  After entering an email address, the system will check to see if that domain is valid for email. After submitting this form, you will receive an email automatically asking you to verify your email address.


This image will be displayed on your Artist Profile page; therefore, a picture of yourself is preferred, although some artists select a picture of one of their favorite pieces instead.  You may upload an image from your computer or you may select one of the images from our list of available "avatars" by choosing "Select image from gallery" in the dropdown box above.